My friend you live so far from me
But you seem so close in many ways
Our hours are so different
When it's night there, here it's days
But that won't stop our friendship
Or ruin our daily routine
Or you telling me how your day went
And me telling you my dreams
For distance cannot separate
The feelings of friends that are dear
And no matter how far you may be
Somehow you'll always be near
©2004 Elaine Hall
All rights Reserved
To read more of Elaine's poems
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No part of these words may be reproduced or used in any way
without the prior written permission
of ©Elaine Hall

Written for Me, by my friend, Elaine Hall
Please find her link on top to read more
of her wonderful poems.


Poetry showcased on this page is
copyrighted work of Elaine V. Hall, ©2004.
Click Here to visit Elaine's beautiful poetry site


May 19, 2004
Updated May 26, 2019