Each day I will be grateful
For all new friends I meet
On Christmas and in every day
They make my life complete
For family who reside inside
Their heart my ornament
Christmas is the time to show
Their love will be constant
For strangers all across the land
Who reach to touch my heart
I want to tell them most of all
This love will never part
If I have touched you with a word
Brought to you a tear
Made you think of all your life
With treasured memories here
I thank you for my spirit
That soars across the sky
Grateful for that twinkle
That you placed within my eye
Thank you for the heart of gold
That we will always share
Hope your Christmas always is
The beauty we will wear
Sending you on angel's wings
Sweet music for your soul
Christmas sent with all my love
With notes that we all scroll
So on this special Christmas night
When Jesus Christ was born
May Holly fill your heart with peace
May angel wings adorn
The ornaments placed on your tree
Be made of gold and lace
Reminding us that we are stitched
With love that we can trace
The beauty of this Christmas night
With treasures we have graced
Forever live within our souls
Sweet Baby's Heart embraced.
~ Merry Christmas ~
Francine Pucillo ~
©used with permission
Read more of her poetry here:


Song playing.... "Merry Christmas Everyone"
performed Shakin Stevens
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for those who wants to write their comments

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Site Established November, 30th, 2000
Updated: December 25, 2018