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Wolf credo

Respect the elders 
Teach the young 
Cooperate with the pack  
Hunt when you must  
Rest in between  
Share your affections 
Voice your feelings 
`Leave your mark 

Wolf Credo,
Copyright 1988
by Del Goetz & Associates


~Take care of the young for they are our future~
~Never question your existence~
~Keep your wild spirit~
~Be sociable~
~Live life like play~
~Love your freedom~
~Live for the hunt, hunt to live~
~Move swiftly... Leave only tracks~

"For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf And
 the strength of the Wolf is the Pack"

Wolf Lore

"Wolves are mirror images of our soul"

Throughout ancient history the wolf was admired and respected as 
 a symbol of strength, intelligence and  courage. Neolithic artists 
duplicated its image on cave walls. Shamans sought its power.
Even Romulus and Ramous founders of Rome, were 
reportedly nurtured and raised by Wolves. 
The perception of Wolves as dangerous creatures sterns less from
  truths than from cultural myths. For Centuries the  Wolf has been
 used as a symbol of evil in Europe and American society. 
 Why is the Wolf subject to all this misunderstanding?
  Perhaps because the Wolf  is seen as a  symbol of wilderness. 
Traditionally, human society has wanted to dominate nature.
 The Wolf may have become a symbol of  evil primarily
 because it could not be tamed.

"A Wolf, it is said, can hear a cloud pass overhead" 


Perhaps the most heartfelt appeal of the Wolf is the expressive nature of
it's face. Unlike other animals, the Wolf can express "how it feels
"through a variety of subtle facial gestures. These gestures are amplified
by black and white markings that outline the Wolf's eyes, ears, lips and
muzzle. Wolves, communicate with each other in a variety of ways.
They are best known for their howls hich are melodious eerie and spine
tingling. Wolves howl to advertise their presence and warn strange wolves
away from their territory, to gather the pack together when they are
separated. Before a hunt, pack members gather, lick each other's muzzles
and engage in a group howl. This ceremony may serve to unite the pack.


Like every living creature, the Wolf needs more than merely
 a chance of survival. Large tracks of wilderness lands, the freedom
 to roam unharmed and  a natural balance of good sources
are all essential to the Wolf's survival.


Perhaps one of the reasons that human have feared and told stories
 about the wolf for so many centuries is because it's behaviors is 
similar  to ours.  Wolves are highly social animals that live in family 
units called packs.  Wolf packs usually consists of a breeding pair,  
pups of the year, and older offspring.  Like humans, some wolves stay
 with their families until they die, others leave the pack during 
adolescence in search of uninhabited territory and a mate.  The 
number of animals in a pack varies  depending on the size
 and availability of prey in the pack's territory. 
 Packs rarely number more than 12.  Only one pair of 
animals in a pack mate and produce pups.  Pups are usually
born in late April in the Rockies.  The average litter size is 5 to 6.
The whole pack participates in caring for and raising the pups.
During the spring and summer all attention is focused on the pups,
but in the fall when the pups are strong enough to keep up,
the pack resume sits nomadic existence within the territory.

"If you talk to the animals
they will talk with you
and you will know each other.

If you do not talk to them,
you will not know them, and
what you do not know you will fear.
What one fears, one destroys."

Chief Dan George

Look into their eyes, their heart, their soul.
Let them tell you about their families.
Let them tell you how to save them.
Let them into your heart, to allow the understanding
necessary for their preservation.

I won the Web Brawls Champion Award
on July,1999 after competing for 6 months with my Wolves page


Below is my new Guestbook
for those who wants to write their comments

Fellowship Tree of Gold





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Important Note:
All Images and Music
retain their original
 copyrights from their
respective owners|
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Created May16, 2006

Information on this site are from National Wildlife Federation

Graphics on this site are made by ©Cymary
Please do not take.

Updated March 15, 2018