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Two Pina Colladas
I was feelin' the blues,
I was watchin' the news
When this fella came on the TV
He said that I'm tellin' you,
That science has proven
That heartaches are healed
by the sea
And that got me goin'
without even knowin'
And I packed right up
and drove down
Now I'm on a role,
and I swear to my soul
Tonight I'm gonna paint this town
So Bring me Two Pina Colladas
I want one for each hand
Let's set sail with Captain Morgan
or we'll never leave dry land
Any troubles I've forgotten
I've buried them in the sand.
So bring me two Pina Colladas
She said goodbye
to her good timing man.
Now I've got to saying,
that the wind and the waves
And the moon winkin' down at me
Eases my mind, by leaving behind
The heartaches that love
often brings
Now I've got a smile,
that goes on for miles
With no inclination to roam
Now I've gotta say,
that I thank God I stayed
Cause this is feeling more and
more like home
So Bring me Two Pina Colladas
I want one for each hand
Let's set sail with Captain Morgan
or we'll never leave dry land
Any troubles I've forgotten
I've buried them in the sand.
So bring me two Pina Colladas
She said goodbye
to her good timing man.
Bring me, bring me,
two pina colladas
i gotta have one for each hand
lets all set sail with captain morgan
or we'll never leave dry land
any troubles i've forgotten
i've buried them in the sand
so bring my two pina colladas
and say hello to her good timin man
Bring me to pina colladas
i gotta have one for each hand
lets all set sail with captain morgan
or we'll never leave dry land
any troubles i've forgotten,
i've buried them in the sand
so bring me two pina colladas
she said goodbye
to her good timin man...
Garth Brooks

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.........."Two Pina Colladas" by Garth Brooks
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Important Note:
All music used on my pages is for
your entertainment and listening
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©Luvdalot Graphics & Design,
Date Created: November 20, 2005
Updated: February 6, 2019
