
Through Your Eyes
Cheryl C. Helynck
The day I first held you in my arms, and looked into your eyes
I knew you were trusting and depending on me.
A child knows when love surrounds them and they flourish.
You grew and bloomed right before my eyes
in what seems like moments.
You took me back through my childhood as we played together.
Your questions that never ceased made me search for answers.
One day you were looking up at me in awe, sure that I was
and always would be the focus of your young life.
Then came a time when you tested your wings and
felt that I was standing in your way and I tried to
release my protection slowly.
Now grown and a woman with your own mind.
Working through the problems of life
as they approach you all at once or one at a time.
I taught you what I felt you needed to survive.
You surpassed all my expectations
becoming so assured, strong and determined.
Many of my dreams for myself have been fulfilled through you.
You took a part of me and gave it new meaning.
Through your eyes I stood high on a mountain.
Somehow I tried to be the image you had of me
so as not to disappoint you.
When in truth what I saw was a beautiful woman
evolving into many of the things I had always wished for myself.
Never envious, my love is always behind you
as you continue to walk forward in life.
Your joys are my happiness, your tears my sorrow.
Climb every mountain and stand tall and free and from the
valley I will look up and admire all you have become
my dear daughter.
Learn from mistakes made and grow in your knowledge of mankind.
Show compassion, love and patience as you share yourself.
Now as you take on a new role as a wife
put your focus on your new life.
Dedicate yourself to the man of your dreams.
Be his strength when he needs it.
Walk by his side and let your love for each other
be your guide through times of troubles and strife.
Look now through your eyes back at me, see me smiling.
So proud of you, pleased at the woman
you have become, loving you always.

written by ©Cheryl C. Helynck
"Reflections Series" 1998
and used with permission.
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A Mother's Loves A Blessing
An Irish boy was leaving
Leaving his native home
Crossing the broad Atlantic
Once more he wished to roam
And as he was leaving his mother
Who was standing at the quay
She threw her arms around his waist
And this to him did say
A mother's love's a blessing
No matter where you roam
Keep her while she's living
You'll miss her when she's gone
Love her as in childhood
Though feeble old and grey
For you'll never miss your mother's love
Till she's buried beneath the clay
And as the years grow older
I'll settle down in life
And choose a nice young colleen
And take her for my wife
And as the babies grow older
And climb around my knee
I'll teach them the very same lesson
That my mother thought to me
Artist: Susan McCann
