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Cheryl C. Helynck
The seas draw me to them
and I feel myself become one
with the water.
It takes me a willing captive
into its cold depths.
A part of me begins to breath
as it can not do when I am not
one with the oceans.
The waters caress and soothe my soul.
It is here that life begins and
travels to every part of our universe.
The circle always constant
as the tides rush in
flushing the shores.
Rivers and lakes all hurrying
the waters back to the seas.
They flow over rocks and
past our banks to return to the oceans.
The water that makes up so much
of my body is drawn too,
feeling the need to be again
with the seas, it churns in me.
These waters of life that we need
to replenish our thirsty souls.
Like walking urns we move through life
always refilled by the seas.
It is made up of the most essential
elements to life, both air and water.
My body craves it
and is drawn to its beauty.
The sea, taking me away with it.
Moving constantly to its own
graceful dance, never motionless
for it must return to the oceans.
Rushing always through the paths
it has created.
Ever moving yet to watch the waters
is the most calming affect for me.
Drawn to the waters of the seas,
carrying me in spirit on its journey.
I let it pass by me and feel a part of me
yearning for the sea.
Even an unborn child floats
in the fluids of life that cushion
and comforts it until it is brought forth
in a rush of waters.
The waters talk to me
with their crashing waves that roar
and deafen me to any other sounds
around me.
Their surging waters
will not be contained as they cascade
down the rocks and mountains
through the plains
back to the sea.
The voice inside of me
cries to journey with these waters.
Wanting to be a part of the excitement
it creates on its journey.
The waves hold me in a trance,
hypnotized and the waters
in my body move within the vessel
of my soul.
Crying out to be gathered
into the ever waiting arms of the ocean.
It screams, straining to be taken and
held once more by the sea.
Cheryl C. Helynck

The above poem,
"The Seas Of Life"
is written by ©Cheryl C. Helynck
and used with permission.
Click on the above banner above
to visit Cheryl's site.

"I am sailing" by ©Rod Stewart
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The top main graphic of this page
is used with permission
from ©Bear's Music. Thank You.
Visit his website and hear his beautiful music.
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Date Created: August 3, 2005
Updated: October 5, 2008