The Tender Side Of Me
There is a side of me that shows,
At moments that surprise,
When I am least expecting them,
Hot tears can fill my eyes.
Sight of our flag high up above,
While blowing in the breeze,
Can bring a lump deep in my throat,
And hot tears I must squeeze.
The sudden loss of loved one,
Or even just a friend,
The knowledge that their road
is done,
That they have reached the end.
Happy thoughts or sad ones,
Both touch my tender side,
And bring forth tears
not held in check,
No matter that I’ve tried.
I can’t change feelings deep within,
Nor hide the tears you see,
Because some things just overwhelm,
The tender side of me.
© Loree (Mason)

There are really no words that can be
spoken to soften the sorrow or lessen the loss
that is felt from losing someone close to us.
This is done in memory of a dear
cyber friend "Mack" who passed away
on August 9th, 2005.
Mack, God bless his soul, will live
in the lives of all who knew him.
Below is my new Guestbook
for those who wants to write their comments

to mail this page to a friend!

Artwork on this page by ©Cebarre
Music playing "Memory"
by Richard Clayderman
Important Note:
All music used on our pages is for your
entertainment and listening pleasure only.
No profit is made on this website by the use
of such music. All copyrights belong
to the artists. Please support them by
buying their music from your favourite
music store.
Graphics by ©Marsha Graphics
Date Created: August 11, 2005
Updated: March 17, 2018