The dog of the picture is Nikki, the same one that this beautiful poem refers to
"NIKKI" ~ My Best Friend ~

I softly brushed her long black hair,
As she nestled by my side.
I held her tightly, in my arms,
As she closed her eyes and died.
She meant so very much to me,
I was proud to call her friend.
I'll miss her through the coming years,
Our love will never end.
If there's a life hereafter,
And our spirits carry on,
I know that she'll be waiting,
As we greet a brand new dawn.
But for now I feel so lonely,
And I sense her presence near,
I long to hold her, close to me,
As I wipe away a tear.
I miss her mostly, late at night,
When she's not by my side,
She no longer lies upon my bed,
And often I have cried.
I miss our quiet interludes,
Our special evening walks,
She'd stroll beside me patiently,
And listened while I talked.
I've tried, but I just can't forget,
Her last few mournful cries,
And how she tried to raise her head,
And gave her last few sighs.
But most of all, I know I'll miss,
All the love she freely gave,
I'll try to tell her how I feel,
When I visit her small grave.
You see...NIKKI was my 'Springer',
So I hope you understand,
I'll cherish her last act on earth,
As she turned and licked my hand.
Author: ŠJoe
Pielmeier Sr. 1992
used with permission

In Memory of
"Nikki", Joe's and Mary's dog.
This poem is used with permission from Mr.Joe Pielmeier Sr.

Joe Pielmeier Sr. passed into the world of light 5th December 2002
Please respect author copyright, do not use or copy poetry without first
seeking permission from Joe's Grand Daughter Heather
To contact Heather please click HERE

Music playing "Aline" by Richard Clayderman
Tributes to my pets.
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Site Established 12-17-2000
Updated March 2, 2009