The above picture is a
painted by hand and made of my father at a young age.
10 October 1922 - 8 February 1994

As I think about all
of the things a daughter
experiences in growing up,
I cannot help but feel grateful for the
love and caring you have given me
over the years...
Thank you for your undying love .
Thank you for your influence, your example.
I see you in myself and
my ways, and I appreciate the positive
characteristics you passed on to me...
Thank you for being my hero,
my friend, and most of all, my
Memories Keep Those We Love Close To Us Forever
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Although words seem to say so little,
they help in some small way
to ease the sense of loss
that I'm experiencing today.
Holding fast to my memories,
to all of the cherished moments of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that I shared and spent together,
and they keep the one I loved
close to me in spirit and thought.
The special moments
and memories in my life
will never change.
They will always be in my heart,
today and forevermore.
Thank you, Dad, for giving
me a part of you and a life full of love.
For all you've ever been to me
Thinking of You and missing you...
Personal graphics are
for exclusive use
and is not to be considered part of the linkware graphics.

Song playing... Wind Beneath my Wings
by Bette Midler

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for those who wants to write their comments

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Poetry showcased on this page is from
~ Linda E. Knight
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please use the banner below and link it to:

Important Note:
All images and music retain their original copyrights
from their respective owners.
Support the artists by purchasing their music

Site Established May 16, 2001
Updated: January 26, 2018