by Cheryl C. Helynck
Come down to the oceans, come down to the seas,
come down to the waters,
come play with me.
I see you are lonely, I see you are sad,
I see you are different from others like me.
The waters our home, there is no place like the sea,
we glide swiftly through it as you plainly see.
Come down to the oceans, come down to the seas,
come down to the waters,
come play with me.
I see you are tiny, I see you are frail,
and promise you truly to play gently.
Discover your ocean friends down in the deep,
we have played here for centuries, don't hide from me.
Come down to the oceans, come down to the seas,
come down to the waters,
come play with me.
This is the only place the creator has left to me,
it was cleaner a long time ago down by the sea.
The oils do not belong on it's gleaming blue waters,
please tell your people they will surely kill me.
Come down to the oceans, come down to the seas,
come down to the waters,
come play with me.
We are mammals you and me,
we are your ocean brothers and
need the oceans to live naturally.
The ocean my playground, it is where I want to be,
not in your parks and zoos where no one is free.
Come down to the oceans, come down to the seas,
come down to the waters,
come play with me
by ©Cheryl C. Helynck
Reflection series 1998

Come play with me" used with permission by
© Cheryl C. Helynck
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Artist©Danny Hahlbohm
Dolphins and orcas on this site by©Dolphin-Synergy Galleries
Graphics from Moon and Back
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Site Updated: February 22, 2009
Updated February 21, 2018