Welcome To Alexandros Page!
Alexandros is our first born child and of course, as
parents, we expected nothing less than perfection from him.
Alexandros was born on the 18th March, 1974.
He is a good looking guy and, very bright...learns everything
easily....Alexandros obtained a Bachelor of Science in
Electrical Engineering and he is working now as an
IT engineer.
He likes the outdoor life and whenever he has the time
he likes to travel and meet new people and see new places.
Special Interests: Maya, his siberian husky dog and
of course computers.

To My Son
with Love
From the day you were born,
you were so special, so smart,
so sensible, so good
It was fun to be with you....
As you grew,
you became your own person,
with your own way of doing things
It was exciting to watch you
As you grew more, you became independent
still special, still smart, still sensitive, still good.
I am so proud of the person you are
and I want you to always know that
I devotedly love you
~Susan Polis Schutz